
Adjusting to

University Life 

after High School


Encouraging women to study and pursue higher education

Encouraging women to study and pursue higher education

I chose to support higher education with this knowledge-Network in hopes to bridge the transition between high school and university. This came as a result of my own experience with first year undergraduate courses in which I had difficulty adjusting, but that’s okay!
— Dr. Dahlia Khajeei (PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc)—‘the Woman who broke omertà™‘


  • Our knowledge-Network was established by a former graduate of Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to encourage women to study and pursue careers related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Originally, it was intended for students entering Public Health fields that focus on prevention instead of treatment.

  • Our knowledge-Network views university life as an exciting time. For some students, it means moving away from home, forming new friendships, and developing rigorous study habits. It may also mean experiencing all the world has to offer. A large component of this knowledge-Network is based on mentoring participants to persevere, sharing lessons learned, and engaging in scholarly and extracurricular activities together.

  • Our knowledge-Network is intended for young women scholars considering a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Research shows there are inequities in access to education for women in STEM fields, in comparison to men.

  • Our knowledge-Network nurtures the healthy transition and well-being of women scholars in Canada from high school to university.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in a University Setting
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in a University Setting

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, especially in the university setting where students are often juggling school, extracurriculars, work, and their personal life all at once. Here are some tips to promote your health and maintain your well-being!

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Post-Secondary Scholarships and Bursaries
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

Post-Secondary Scholarships and Bursaries

It’s well known that university can be quite an expensive endeavour! This is a comprehensive guide for high school students and university students alike seeking more information on scholarships, bursaries, and grants.

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Opening Doors for a Summer Job
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

Opening Doors for a Summer Job

Finding a new job is not easy, especially when there is such high competition. However, following a few simple tips will help in relieving stress while granting the opportunity to be noticed by an employer.

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Campus Safety and How to Create It
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

Campus Safety and How to Create It

Travel in groups when possible! When it’s not possible, try to have a friend on the phone so that you can stay connected with someone who knows where you are and the current situation.

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Moving in the Right Direction: Tips for Moving away from Home
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

Moving in the Right Direction: Tips for Moving away from Home

The adjustment to university life can be difficult, especially when moving away from home; however, preparing in advance for the move can be the key to a successful and calm start to the new school year.

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3 Student Positions Related to the Medical Field
Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc Dr. Dahlia Khajeei PhD PHHS, MPH, BSc

3 Student Positions Related to the Medical Field

Looking for clinical experience without a degree can be hard. But don't worry; these three hands-on positions will provide you a glimpse into the medical industry while also allowing you to have a significant influence on your clients.

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